We are all volunteers working together to help people to reduce their carbon footprint and care for our environment

he ‘Good Life’ and canThis page is mainly for volunteers but the information and resources on it, should be useful for everyone.

If you have useful links or information of your own, please share them with us by using the contact form here and we will be able to add them to the list

If you have not already signed up to get involved, why not check out this link here.

Organisations and websites mentioned in the training:

WWF Footprint Calculator (also available as an app)  WWF Footprint Calculator

GIKI Zero  Giki Zero | Carbon Calculator | Employee Sustainability | Giki Zero

Carbon Calculator  carbonfootprint.com – Carbon Footprint Calculator

Professor Jules Pretty – Website and Resources

Essex Climate Action Commission Essex Climate Action Commission – Essex County Council

Carbon Impact of Individual Flights Flights – Calculator – World Land Trust


Reading & listening recommended by PACE members:  

Jules Pretty video on the ‘Good Life’ and Change – Good life and positve narrative

Carbon Commentary Blog Carbon Commentary | Chris Goodall

Jon Richardson & the Futurenauts Podcast Jon Richardson & The Futurenauts – Jon Richardson

The Buzz Club (Dave Goulson) Our team | Buzz Club (thebuzzclub.uk)