Manningtree Earth Festival – Photo By TazzyBro
Manningtree Earth Festival – Photo By TazzyBro
A free and fun local festival about our environment – inspiring, informing, empowering.
Sunday 11th June 2023, 12 – 6 pm

We get it.
It’s hard. You’re busy. Money’s tight.
And yet…
Manningtree is special (if you live here you’ll know that already). Keeping it that way will take all of us. So if you want to do the right thing, but aren’t sure where to start, put the Manningtree Earth Festival into your diary now – 11th June 2023 (12noon – 6pm). It has been carefully created to show lots of options so you can make your choices with both your family and our planet in mind. We’ve brought together some of the Manningtree area’s most creative and successful businesses, charities and individuals to give you inspiration and information on your journey towards sustainability.
Our aims are:
- to inspire people and businesses in our community to make changes which will reduce our carbon footprint and support our environment
- to increase the active involvement and interest of local people in PACE Manningtree
- to create a fun and enjoyable festival
The science is terrifying. We now have less than three years to turn around global warming to ensure it doesn’t reach the irreversible tipping point of 1.5°. We’re not even close to achieving that. Following current policy, Earth is on track for 2.7° of warming by 2100. A figure which will see catastrophic consequences not only for the poor around the world but for us all, here in Manningtree. To avoid this we all need to start reducing our personal carbon footprint straight away and halve it by 2030, from the average 7.7 tonnes per person per year to 3.8 tonnes.
We’re not talking about perfection. We’re not asking you to buy an electric car if you can’t afford one: we’re talking about manageable decisions as part of your day to day life, which if we make them collectively, WILL make a difference.
What will you do? Come along to the Manningtree Earth Festival to find out…
See you there.
Apply To Run A Talk or Demonstration
Click here to sign up.
Apply To Have A Stall
Click here to sign up.
Apply To Have A Food Stand
Click here to sign up.
Get involved/volunteer for 2023 Earth Festival
Click here to sign up.

Zones Of The Festival

Biodiversity Zone
Gardens of Hill House,
54 South Street,
CO11 1BQ
Clothes & Household Zone
13 High St,
CO11 1AQ
Energy Zone
5a High St,
CO11 1AG
Wellbeing Zone
The Masonic Hall,
South St,
CO11 1BG
Food & Lifestyle Zone
48 High St,
CO11 1AJ
Music – Bob’s Patio
45 High St,
CO11 1AH
Speaker’s Corner
3-5 South St,
CO11 1BA
School Gazebos
36 High St,
CO11 1AJ
PACE Festival Office
37 High St,
CO11 1AJ
Travel Zone
Market Place,
Brook Street Manningtree,
CO11 1DJ
Water Zone
The Beach,
Quay St,
CO11 1AU
Planet Earth Talks
Red Lion,
42 South St,
CO11 1BG
Accessible Toilet
2 Brook St,
CO11 1DJ